March 16, 2014

I am really impressed both by this OpenNews post about how to tackle a huge pile of documents, and also by the tools recommended. After all: What I received a month later from Nash County, N.C., were two boxes filled with thousands of printed pages of emails. Double-sided. One of the problems it solves is…

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You think #MH370 is Ballardian? Kicking it up a notch: The tests showed that brands outperformed people where a person’s relationship to a product was tied to a story–such as the subject who loved his watch, which was handed down from his father, more than his girlfriend, or the man whose life-long love of the…

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1: Houses have got stupid expensive. You may have noticed Here’s a great chart from James Plunkett of the Resolution Foundation, making the point that it will take you your life to save for a deposit. Note that the curve takes off like a homesick angel in the mid-90s, when prices start back up again,…

Read More 12 links on Bob Crow, and how to get the look