April 15, 2004

Another damn good WaPo article from Iraq “A few miles to the south, at 4:30 a.m., Capt. John Combs, the convoy commander, radioed back, “This is a known ambush point.” It was a message he repeated frequently on the first part of the journey. Near dawn, he radioed back with another worrisome message: The bridge…

Read More “When we get to the far side, I’ve got absolutely no clue where we are going.”

The Guardian is currently running a series of reports by the excellent Nick Davies on the criminal justice system and how crap it is (I paraphrase). Today’s story focused on the huge percentage of trials that simply don’t happen because the bureaucracy bungles, people don’t turn up, the court is double booked (really). “A lot…

Read More CPS – still a hive of indolence?