May 19, 2004

“”Everything that you’re discussing is information you’re not supposed to have,” barked Pentecostal minister Robert G. Upton when asked about the off-the-record briefing his delegation received on March 25. Details of that meeting appear in a confidential memo signed by Upton and obtained by the Voice. The e-mailed meeting summary reveals NSC Near East and…

Read More Don’t Worry – Leaving Gaza will not, repeat not, affect the apocalypse

Now, having done the obfusc lesson, we can proceed to a practical exercise. William Safire, the New York Times’ pet neocon, has been expressing himself on the subject of the sarin shell. (Link) We shall see some examples in the text. “a small, crude weapon of mass destruction may have been used by Saddam’s terrorists…

Read More Obfuscation Case Study: William Safire in the NY Times