April 1, 2007

It’s quite well-known that I don’t think very much of Niall Ferguson’s intellectual credibility. But this is special, in the sense of “I’m not different…I’m special.” I’m not going to take issue with his bizarre contention that saying sorry for the slave trade is why the Iranians grabbed the boarding party from Cornwall. I am,…

Read More Here Comes the Equestrian Statue

OK, so we solved the last problem. But now I’ve got another. We’ve just created a window with a Tkinter frame within, and announced that a listbox will be there. Then, we have the following statement: self.selector = Listbox(frame)..Listbox.pack(side=TOP)…for item in [“lots”,”of”,”data”,”in”,”here”,”that”,”takes”,”up”,”four”,”lines”]:….Listbox.insert(Tk.END,item) Dots inserted to get the indenting right. Tk.END causes the interpreter to fart…

Read More Bonus Pathetic Python Sunday

How many times do I have to tell you? A US aircraft carrier will leave port for the Gulf every six months, about six months after the last one. BTW, the assorted speculation on some of the US blogs about the RN’s carriers is risible. The current RN presence in the Gulf consists of two…

Read More Yes, there is STILL not going to be a war with Iran

OK, the Enetation comments are getting too bad to use. There’s no spam protection, and no central moderation page, so it’s not practical to remove comments spam from each of 1,473 threads one by one. By clicking on the permalink at the bottom of each post, you can use the Blogger comments thread, which is…

Read More Admin Notice: Withdrawal of Enetation comments

Some time ago, I got involved in a debate about the cost of unmanned aerial vehicles, UAVs. I argued that the idea that they would supplant piloted aircraft was overambitious, and that, crucially, the high accident rate they experienced would make them rather more expensive than anyone thought. After all, if their biggest advantage was…

Read More The cost of UAVs

I’ve been a little surprised Warrington haven’t been better this year – they were good last year, and they signed very well in the close season. Adrian Morley hasn’t so far paid off, getting injured twice in a row, but Vinnie Anderson and Stuart Reardon are two cracking signings. I’m astonished Bradford let Reardon get…

Read More Bloggin’ Rugby League: Warrington for the Cup?