May 2008

So we had the world’s first military coup motivated by a 3G network licence, in Thailand; we had the shootout between the Chalabi Boys and Orascom security men in Baghdad. Now, there’s the Hezbollah/Amal coup de force (or de folie as Robert Fisk preferred), motivated in part by the Lebanese government’s desire to control their…

Read More scaleydelic!

After not much happened for a while, charges have been filed against Viktor Bout in a US court. The indictment charges Viktor Bout with four terrorism offenses, including conspiring to kill Americans, conspiring to kill U.S. officers or employees, conspiring to provide material support to terrorists and conspiring to acquire and use an anti-aircraft missile.…

Read More Viktor Indicted

This should be the biggest story in the UK; you know the Government just explicitly took powers to give the congestion charge ANPR camera data to the Americans, or actually any other state outside the European Economic Area? And what does Boris Johnson plan to do about that? I can’t help but think, however, that…

Read More The Only Way To Defeat This Is To Surrender

Blaney: Donal Blaney said… I do not bandy the term “nazi” or “racist” about in the same way the left do. 2:05 PM Blaney: This is how the Nazi traffic wardens of London behave when they see a nice car that they decide they want to tow. Blaney: First, a confession. I was appointed a…

Read More Donal Blaney: Hypocrite, Political Whore, and Torture Fan