April 2010

Deeply unprofitable Crooked Timber thread produces an interesting point. Not so much “why do libertarians hate Fairtrade coffee?”, but why on earth do they insist on lying? From the link: By guaranteeing a minimum price, Fairtrade also encourages market oversupply, which depresses global commodity prices. This locks Fairtrade farmers into greater Fairtrade dependency and further…

Read More coffee and stupidity

So we were talking about China exporting its internal chaos, while also importing Indian internal chaos. Then, the good folk at 31 Jin-rong Street, Beijing gave us a practical example. That would be AS4134, CHINANET-BACKBONE, aka China Telecom’s long lines/Internetworking division. Starting at 1558 GMT, they leaked a very large number of other people’s routes…

Read More export any

The new Shadowserver Foundation report is out; everyone has ooh’d over folk stealing the Dalai Lama’s e-mail, etc. Others have pointed to the concentration on the Indian military establishment. Technically, all that’s interesting here is that the attackers used mass market Internet services, like Yahoo! Mail, as transports for their botnet command-and-control messages, and that…

Read More exporting Chinese chaos, importing Indian chaos