January 12, 2014

OK, so I’m weirdly obsessed with “Create Streets”. Here’s some more. Will Fulford is a co-founder of The Urban Market Company, a joint venture focusing on mixed use developments of niche independent retail, workshops and market stalls. Its first acquisition was Camden Lock, one of London’s most iconic urban markets. Will is an Academician for…

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Another “Create Streets” thing. When I drew Dave Hill’s attention to their dodgy past in the Irish property bubble, the immediate reaction was to claim that we were both “obsessive”. @createstreets @DaveHill tell me, is there a Tory HQ book that says to always say critics are "obsessed" — Alex Harrowell (@yorksranter) January 10, 2014…

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The “Create Streets” lot are being mithered by the very serious people again. Dave Hill of the Guardian and Faisal Islam from the Ha! Ha! Poors Channel have been at it since the turn of the year. London housing crisis: Create Streets? Fine. But who decides? http://t.co/Pz6x2ep2yG — DaveHill (@DaveHill) January 10, 2014 interesting: “@createstreets:…

Read More who you gonna call? the unacceptable behaviour team