July 26, 2015

The previous post was about chancers, among other people. Here’s another post about chancers. What’s interesting in this one is the multiple levels of chancership. You have the two blogger/staffer/whatever types, classic chancers, who would love to hire on with UKIP, but mostly because they could sell that experience to someone with more money. You…

Read More UKIP as cashpoint

What to make of this story? Camila Batmanghelidjh has been basically forced out of Kids’ Company after the Cabinet Office wanted to know what it’s been doing with the money. Much detail is available in a Buzzfeed piece of the sort you’re meant to think Buzzfeed doesn’t do. She, of course, blames austerity, cuts, etc.…

Read More Chancers, respectability politics, and IDS: A4e, Kids Co, and Trussell