
OK, so professional War On Terror bullshitter Alexis Debat worked for super-War On Terror bullshitter Amir Taheri. Those of you who use this blog’s Updated category to check corrections will have noticed that I have corrected some posts about Pakistan that used material from his writings. But I’m struggling to make out the pattern; Debat’s…

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I’ve been tagged with a Gordon Brown-related meme by Tom “The Green Ribbon” Griffin. 2 things Gordon Brown should be proud of A sensible monetary policy, based on rules rather than “judgment”.A sensible fiscal policy, based on rules rather than “judgment”. 2 things he should apologise for Supporting the war in Iraq, while pretending that…

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25 years ago, there was a war on, too. Everyone knows the story – fascist dictator invades forgotten colony in middle of nowhere, stalwart soldiery and jolly Jack Tar kick him out, patriotic rejoicing, vague guilt, and kajillions of words of editorialising ever since. The Falklands War remains an event that badly needs good history,…

Read More Myths of the Falklands: Number 1, Command

I’ve been thogged by the Ministry. Thogged? Well, it’s a meme going five bloggers who make you think, hence thinking bloggers, hence (thanks to Chris Dillow) thoggers. I don’t usually do these things, partly because obviousness is hard to avoid. But on this occasion, I’m a-thogging the following bethoggen. die Stiftung Leo Strauss, for…

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