
In the comments at Charlie Stross‘s blog, a horrible detail about the latest misbegotten monster database. It seems that you can be employed in “controlled”, as opposed to “regulated”, activities even if you are on the Independent Safeguarding Authority’s list of kiddy-fiddlers, so long as “safeguards” are in place. What are “controlled” activities? • Frequent…

Read More and now for some truly appalling stupidity

Self-satirising ID card madness. So they’ve actually got as far as issuing some significant contracts. We’ll begin by noting that one of them has gone to CSC, last seen introducing the joy of Cerner software to the NHS National Programme for IT. But much more to the point, what is this talk about using the…

Read More it is now absolutely certain that the national ID card will be compromised

The thing that pisses me off about Al-Qa’ida is that they insist on egging the government on. That said, I can’t think of anything more ridiculous than Phil Woolas wanting to have reports of any foreign student who misses ten lectures. I can’t think of many things more ridiculous and contemptible than Phil Woolas anyway,…

Read More HOWNOTTO be caught as a student terrorist

You may have noticed that the Viktorfeed is down. The server it runs on was updated last night to the new version of Debian, including a new Python installation, and Something Went Wrong involving the conversion of strings to struct_time values. If you do this on my laptop:Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Jan 10 2008, 18:01:57)[GCC 4.2.1…

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The Guardian leaps in on the Nemesysco lie-detector crapware story, and misses; notably, they are apparently too chicken to point out that they are claiming to get 129 dimensions of data from only two actual measurements. This wouldn’t even involve the Lacerda/Eriksson paper; it would just involve reading their published statements and the content of…

Read More quack quack oops