
One impression I often had was of a gulf between the political activity on the ground and that in the media, almost as if the two contests were happening in different countries – the pays réel and the pays virtuel – or even that the contest was one between the canvassers and the opinionators. Maybe…

Read More Four waves of mobilization – Election introspection, 2

Is there any point trying to make consumers save the world? One of the most important debates of our time is whether we should approach climate change as a primarily individualistic or collective problem. Individualistic approaches include things like cap-and-trade at the consumer level, carbon taxes imposed on the final consumer (like VAT), shouting at…

Read More Coal, the Manski bounds, and the correct choice of Milibands

Annoyingly, Adam Elkus is going to delete this thread.   increasingly thinking that the best or only justification at this point for people that aren’t techies learning about computer programs is understanding the way in which the social world is being flattened into categories that computers can understand. — QWRhbSBFbGt1cw== (@Aelkus) April 22, 2019 I…

Read More Flattening computers into social categorisers

So, the Huawei oversight report is out and it’s apparently terribly scary. If you’re interested in the content rather than the mood-music there’s a good key points summary here, and if you’re the kind of person who reads this blog, the report itself is here. The point I would like to make, though, is that…

Read More If we could only get the same oversight of Facebook we have of Huawei UK