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Remember the flight and arrest of Charles “Fiddy Cent Thousand Dead Child Soldiers” Taylor back in March? Sure ya do. You may also recall the bizarre involvement of Kilari Anand Paul, an Indian Protestant evangelist and – to be brutally frank – charlatan with a Boeing 747. Paul, who claimed to be Taylor’s “spiritual adviser”,…

Read More Kilari Anand Paul

Some months ago, we took note of a curious twist in the scandals surrounding Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff and Texan politico Tom DeLay. You may recall that they were revealed to have been involved in exporting Russian night-sights to a group of West Bank settlers, and to have received cash and hospitality from a mysterious…

Read More More on DeLay/Abramoff and the Russians

Various British blogs, especially around Tim Ireland’s Bloggerheads, are getting terribly het up about the news that Zack Exley, an internet activist from, has come over to the UK to work on the Labour campaign team. Tim has got to the point of crossing Atrios and the Washington Monthly off his blogroll because they…

Read More Zack Exley, Triangulation and a Blog Row

The new US Secretary of Homeland Security, former New York cop on duty at ground zero on the day, and Saudi royal bodyguard, Bernard Kerik, has been encountering a certain amount of blogosphere criticism since his appointment. Amongst other things, he’s been accused of partisanship (he was the chap who said during the election campaign…

Read More Bernard Kerik, and the South Yorkshire Police

The Guardian reports that Afghan police in Kabul have uncovered a group of mercenaries who were operating their own prison under the cover of an “import business”. In the building they had several people hanging upside down, who had apparently been beaten up first. Lovely. Although the group’s leader is apparently one Jonathan Keith Idema,…

Read More What now? Mystery of free lances and their own little jail

The mighty Talking Points Memo has an interview with Anonymous, the spook author of Imperial Hubris, the book in which he bashes Bush’s counterterrorist policy comprehensively. TPM and Anon discuss Saudi Arabia (or next month’s outrage, as I’ve decided to call it) and establish that al-Qa’ida apparently operates on the principles laid down in Withnail…

Read More The Withnail Theory of Terrorism